Normal letterspace optically balances the counterforms of lower case letters.
1 Optimum letterspace.
2 Letterspace is too open.
3 Letterspace is too tight.
Typefaces with small counterforms require less letterspace than typefaces with large counterforms.
4 Optimum Ietterspace.
5 Letterspace is too open.
6 Letterspace is too tight.
The counterforms of lower case letters determine optimum letterspace. Typefaces with small counterforms require less space between letters than those with large counterforms. For optimum legibility, letterspace should be neither too tight nor too open. The goal is to make the space between letters appear even.
The correct letter spacing ultimately determines how a word is perceived. A typographic designer may need to exercise judgment in making necessary adjustments to the letter combinations in a word. Except for special effect, words in larger bodies of text should not be
individually letterspaced. For a flawless appearance, a word set in capital letters requires additional attention to the individual spacing between letters.
This information is originated from the Typography: Formation +Transformation by Willi Kunz in part.
It’s strongly recommended that if you will read a Typography: Formation +Transformation thoroughly, you are able to understand with this information on a more than superficial level.
1 適切なレタースペース
2 広すぎるレタースペース
3 狭すぎるレタースペース
4 適切なレタースペース
5 開きすぎるレタースペース
6 狭すぎるレタースペース
このコンテンツはTypography: Formation +Transformationから一部引用したものです。
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