about spread

SPREAD is the bookshelf for typography and graphic to share with people worldwide. SPREAD has two concepts on this web site, the first is that the well-chosen book store and next, the design book library which is managed by great designer in order that more visitor can get to know about design on a deeper level than that of the mere book web site. Our selected books at library means that for example, books were end of sale and also books were rarely offered in markets for various reasons. Especially, SPREAD mainly focus on the page-spread that there is a tendency among a high standing front cover to be unnoticeable on the page-spread in a lot of cases. In addition to that, SPREAD is aiming to improve the environment that to be able to criticize the design as not fitting with in a logical evaluation axis. The page-spread of sophisticated books are defined as the following:

Format / Extent / Typography / Materials(paper, binding) / Reproduction / Printing / Finishing

And SPREAD would certainly not want to turn the digital publishing clock back, the books can not be complemented by digital and that is felt by human eye and human hands. SPREAD strongly recommends that the book on the SPREAD must take in your hands.

Finally, we pay highest respect to all great ancient typographers and graphic designers as creating SPREAD.

Thanks, page-spread.com


SPREADのライブラリーは絶版等の理由により、マーケットで流通しづらくなった本を中心に取り扱いをしていきます。特にその中でも、素晴らしい本ほど、表紙にばかり注目が集まってしまい本として欠かしてはならないコンテンツである見開き(page spread)を今一度、検証することで論理的評価軸を養い、これから生まれてくるデザインに対して批評できる環境作りに役立てることを目標としてきます。


Format / Extent / Typography / Materials(paper, binding) / Reproduction / Printing / Finishing




There are 8 comments

  1. Nicola-Matteo Munari


    I’ve just discovered Page-Spread and already love it.
    I really like the website and appreciate the idea of the library.
    But I don’t understand if there’s also a real physical library in Tokyo.
    The books in the store are excellent and surely I’ll find something.

    Greetings from Italy,

    Nicola-Matteo Munari
    Art Director

    1. spread

      Thank you for visiting SPREAD and leaving a valuable comments to us.

      Of course we agree with your opinion that books should be felt the goodness for the hand with physical libraries and stores.

      SPREAD is still just started from 2012, but it’s a first step for our vision means that we would like to achieve the physical space to share the books for the many people as you mention some day.

      We are not satisfied under the present set of circumstances, thing that has been opened to the public in the library of SPREAD, the not only part of the content of the book only. We believe that SPREAD can be contributed to the culture of books.

      Best Regards, 
      Naoyuki Umetsu

  2. Roberto Calbucci

    Eadspread I Like –
    This is at his is an interesting site this is.



  3. Bruce

    First of all, I’d like to thank you lot for bringing SPREAD into existence, and for executing such a brilliant concept flawlessly. I love the idea and spirit behind it all, and I can’t commend you all enough for your efforts.

    Is there a facebook page I can follow you guys on so I can keep an eye on the latest updates/new releases/news from SPREAD?

    Thank you, and keep up the incredible work!

    Graphic Design Student

  4. Niki Yu


    Just found this awesome site!!!Amazing!!
    This is very special and focus. As a designer , especially super love cover and editorial design, this is totally a cool place for me.
    I like this website design as well.
    Looking for more great content in future.

    – Niki Yu

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