8vo: On The Outside

Hardcover: 536 pages
Publisher: Lars Müller Publishers
Language: English
ISBN-10: 3037780193
ISBN-13: 978-3037780190
Product Dimensions: 16.3 x 12.7 x 4.2 cm
Release Date: 2005
Price: sold


Founded in London in 1984 by Mark Holt, Simon Johnston, and Hamish Muir, 8vo was one of the most influential design studios in the 1980s and continues to be significant in the design world today. The design studio used traditional, craft-based working methods but an experimental approach to design in order to anticipate the computer-aided aesthetic of the 90s. The magazine Octavo, published in eight issues from 1986 to 1992 has long held cult status and is thoroughly documented here, along with the background against which it emerged. 8vo’s work pushed back the boundaries of commercial design, and was a key factor in preparing the way for many contemporary designers.
Designed and written by two of the studio’s partners, this attractive, chunky-format book will be a delight to students and practioners of architecture, design, and art alike.

Essays by Mark Holtand Hamish Muir.

Simon Johnston
Mark Holt
Hamish Muir

8voは1984年にMark Holt, Simon Johnston, Hamish Muirらによってロンドンで設立されたデザインスタジオです。おそらく80年代のデザイン界において世界中に大きな影響与えたスタジオのひとつで、単に前衛的なのではなく伝統的な職人としての手作業をベースとしながらヨーロッパで積み上げられてきたタイポグラフィ、グラフィックデザインへの理解をしつつの実験的な表現を積み重ねてきました。

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