Paperback: 350
Publisher: Rijksmuseum
Language: Dutch
ISBN-10: –
ISBN-13: –
Product Dimensions: 24 x 12,5 x 7 cm
Release Date: 2013
Price: $500 USD (¥55,000 JPY)
Free Worldwide Shipment from Tokyo
Condition: very good (Pre-owned)
no text, oblong 4to, soft cover, not paginated, illustrated, very good copy. Published, hors commerce, in the form of a brick. Size 24 x 12,5 x 7 cm. Limited and numbered edition.
This is number “0864”.
Book Design: Irma Boom
コンディション: 良い (うっすらとした擦れなどありますがどれも軽微なもので良好です)
Photographer Vincent Mentzel followed the refurbishment of the new Rijksmuseum almost every day in the run-up to the reopening.
He saw thousands of things going through hundreds of hands during the 219-day refurbishment, from the Koolhoven fighter plane to the Night Guard. The book, known as the Brick Book, was made on behalf of the Rijksmuseum as a gift to anyone who contributed to the opening of the new Rijksmuseum.
通称Brick(レンガ)。Vincent Mentzelによる219日密着によるRijks Museum改修の記録本です。デザインはオランダを代表する世界で最も有名なブックデザイナーの一人であり、Rijks MuseumのディレクターであるIrma BoomによるものでRijks Museumの外館を象徴するレンガの1ブロックそのものです。