Publisher: Seibundo Shinkosha
Language: Japanese English (some of the contents are written in only Japanese)
Product Dimensions: 29.4 x 22.4 x 1.2 cm
Release Date: 2007
Price: $140 USD (¥15,400 JPY)
Free Worldwide Shipment from Tokyo
Condition: good (pre-owned)
a scratch on the upper spine
Extra Special Supplement:Jan Tschichold, ‘Formenwadlungen der & Zeichen’ [Japanese edition] is attached with book.
コンディション: 良い(別冊付録つき。細かい擦れや汚れはありますが目立った折れもなく良好です)
IDEA NO. 321 : Works of Jan Tschichold
Special Feature: Works of Jan Tschichold 1902-74-Prologue “JT Resuscitation” Photograph and Design by Yoshihisa ShiraiIntroduction “Life and work of Jan Tschichold” by Kiyonori Muroga [Japanese Only]-[llustration section] Works of Jan Tschichold / Studies and Early Works / For New Typography / Typographic Posters / Modern Revival of Traditional Typography / Reformation of Penguin Books / Writing and Publishing / Designs for F. Hoffmann-La Roche & Co. Ltd. / Design of Sabon / Interests in the East / Miscellaneous -[contributed essays]Robin Kinross / Christopher Burke / Martijn F. Le Coultre & Alston W. Purvis / Richard B. Doubleday / Jost Hochuli / Alexander L. Bieri / François Porchez / Christopher Burke / Taro Yamamoto / John D. Berry-Bibliography-Jan Tschichold, ‘Willkürfreie Maßverhältnisse der Buchseite und des Satzspiegels’ [Japanese translation]Translation by Tomoko Takemura-
Special Supplement:Jan Tschichold, ‘Formenwadlungen der & Zeichen’ [Japanese edition]Translation by Tomoko Takemura
I Studies and Early Works [Leipzig 1902-1926] II For New Typography [Berlin 1926, München 1926-1933] III Typographic Posters [München 1926-1933] IV Modern Revival of Traditional Typography [Basel 1933-1946, 1950-1967, Berzona 1967-1974] V Reformation of Penguin Books [London 1947-1949] VI Writing and Publishing
VII Designs for F. Hoffmann-La Roche & Co. Ltd,
VIII Design of Sabon
IX Interests in the East
X Miscellaneous [p.196 special contribution by Baumann & Baumann] [Contributed essays] Robin Kinross, ‘Designer and dogmatist’
Christopher Burke, ‘Jan Tschichold and sanserif’
Martijn F. Le Coultre & Alston W. Purvis, ‘Jan Tschichold: Posters of the Avantgarde’
Richard B. Doubleday, ‘Jan Tschichold at Penguin Books: A Resurgence of Classical Book Design’
Jost Hochuli, ‘Thoughts on the reception of Jan Tshichold’s work and personality thirty years after his death’
Alexander L. Bieri, ‘Jan Tschichold and Roche: obsessive perfection’
François Porchez, ‘On Sabon Next Project’
Christopher Burke, ‘Tschichold’s eastward gaze’
Taro Yamamoto, ‘Considering the Dispute between Jan Tschihold and Max Bill’
John D. Berry, ‘Getting it right – Jan Tschichold’s search for mass quality’
-Bibliography-Jan Tschichold, ‘Willkürfreie Maßverhältnisse der Buchseite und des Satzspiegels’ [Japanese translation]Translation by Tomoko Takemura-
Special Supplement:Jan Tschichold, ‘Formenwadlungen der & Zeichen’ [Japanese edition]Translation by Tomoko Takemura
特集:ヤン・チヒョルトの仕事Prologue: JT Resuscitation 写真構成:白井敬尚チヒョルトの仕事と生涯 構成・文:室賀清徳チヒョルト年譜ヤン・チヒョルトの仕事習作・初期作品/新しいタイポグラフィ/タイポグラフィック・ポスター/書籍タイポグラフィにおける人文主義の復興へ/ペンギンブックスのデザイン改良/執筆と出版/ロッシュ製薬の印刷デザイン/活字書体サボンの設計/東洋への関心/その他特別寄稿:ロビン・キンロス/クリストファー・バーク/マーティン・F・ル・コルト&アルストン・W・パービス/リチャード・B・ダブルデイ/ヨスト・ホフリ/アレグザンダー・L・ビエリ/ジャン=フランソワ・ポルシェ/クリストファー・バーク/山本太郎/ジョン・D・ベリーチヒョルト「紙面と版面の明晰なプロポーション」訳:武村知子別冊付録:チヒョルト「&記号の変遷」訳:武村知子著作文献リスト