idea 156 : David Hillman’s editorial design for Nova Magazine

Paperback: 128 pages
Publisher: Seibundo Shinkosha
Language: Japanese / English
Product Dimensions: 29.4 x 22.4 x 0.9 cm
Release Date: 1979
Price: sold

Cover Design:Wolfgang Weingart

About the Cover IDEA 156

I have never been to Japan.
I know it only from books and photograph.
I know some excellent films from this land that is so mysterious to me.
I know that there the sun rises earlier than here in Switzerland.
I know that there exists a wonderful mountain whose top is powdered with snow and whose blossoms must be enchanting.
And I know that these diligent people live with the constant threat of earthquakes.

All this that I have said, I have tried to put on paper from a fantasy which has perhaps nothing to do with the reality, then of this country.
If the fantasy is reality, then it was by chance.
If not, then I would like to excuse and the naivete’ of my imagination.

Wolfgang Weingart



ウォルフガング ワインガルト

The Society of Illustrators Twenty-First Annual Exhibition Eileen Hedy Schultz, Akiko Hyuga, Shinichiro Tora
John Casado Dugald Stermer, Layout: Takenobu Imatake Design Institute
Kazumi Kutigami Hiroshi Sano
The Citrus Crate Label in California Marc Treib
Serial Typography Helmut Schmid
Ray Barber & Type Design for “Saturday Night Fever” Layout: Imatake & Associates
Why poster? The collection of posters at Museum Library, Musashino Art University Itsuo Ohkubo
Lions in London, Photo by Jessica Strang Shigeru Watano
The 29th International Design Conference in Aspen on the theme of “Japan in Aspen” Editor
Wolfgang Weingart
Born in 1941 in Germany, completed his typesetting apprenticeship in hand composition in 1963. He has taught typography at the Basel School of Design since 1968. For the last 30 years he has lectured and taught extensively in Europe, North and South America, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. He is represented in the permanent collections of museums and private galleries, and has received design awards from the Swiss Federal Department of Home Affairs. His experimental work in typography has influenced the course of design in the last decades of the twentieth century.
idea 156

<特集>第21回ソサエティ・オブ・イラストレーターズ アイリン・ヘディ・シュルツ、日向あき子、虎新一郎
ジョン・カサド ダガルド・スターマー、レイアウト:(株)五十嵐威暢デザイン
ザ・プロフェッショナル、操上和美 佐野寛
豊かに実を結んだ絵:カリフォルニア産柑橘類のクレート・ラベル マーク・トライブ
シリアル・タイポグラフィー 文と構成:ヘルムート・シュミット
レイ・ハーバーと”サタデー・ナイト・フィーバー”のタイプデザイン レイアウト:(株)今竹
なぜ、ポスターか。武蔵野美術大学美術資料図書館のポスター・コレクション 大久保逸雄
ロンドンの中のライオン:撮影=ヤシカ・ストラング 綿野茂
「アスペンにおける日本」をテーマとした第29回アスペン国際デザイン会議 編集部


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