Line #02


The angles appear three dimensional. We see the corners of foreshortened surfaces coming forward to meet each other.


Here the spatial effect of the angles is further augmented  by intersections.

It cannot yet be determined which parts are located more the front or back and how they are positioned in space. The angles tip back and forth, each time changing the character of the whole figure.

Try to concentrate  on the idea that you have in front of you a two-dimensional form: it consists of lines and angles that are all in one plane.

This information is originated from the 2D Visual Perception in part.
It’s strongly recommended that if you will read a 2D Visual Perception thoroughly, you are able to understand with this information on a more than superficial level.



このコンテンツは2D Visual Perceptionから一部引用したものです。
次のことをお勧めします、もしあなたが2D Visual Perceptionを熟読すると、このコンテンツを表面的なレベルより深く理解することができます。

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