
[/wide] versatility of the symbol:

The same symbol can express many different ideas. It is potentially a highly versatile device. By juxtaposition, association, analogy, the designer is able to utilize its effectiveness to fulfill a specific function.

Distinguishing the literal and plastic meaning of forms, Ozenfant* declares: ” Every form has its specific mode of expression (the language of plastic) independent of its purely ideological significance (language of sign).” The circle as opposed to the square, for instance, as a pure form evokes specific aesthetics sensation; ideologically it is the sign of eternity, without beginning or end. A red circle maybe interpreted as the sign of the sun, the Japanese battle flag, a stop sign, an ice-skating rink, or a special brand of coffee…depending on its context.

*Amedée Ozenfant, Foundations of Modern Art, p. 249

This information is originated from the Thoughts on Design by Paul Rand in part.
It’s strongly recommended that if you will read a Thoughts on Design thoroughly, you are able to understand with this information on a more than superficial level.




* Amedée Ozenfant, Foundations of Modern Art, p. 249

このコンテンツはPaul Rand著によるThoughts on Designから一部引用したものです。
次のことをお勧めします、もしあなたがThoughts on Designを熟読すると、このコンテンツを表面的なレベルより深く理解することができます。

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