Publisher: Lars Muller Publishers
Language: German
ISBN-10: 3906700216
ISBN-13: 978-3906700212
Product Dimensions: 30.3 x 2.4 x 22.6 cm
Release Date: 1995
Price: $120 USD (¥13,200 JPY)
Free Worldwide Shipment from Tokyo
Condition: very good
a tear on the spine of the book cover, but other than that, it is almost an unread book.
コンディション: 非常に良い
Spirale was an international artists’ magazine for young art and is now one of the most important records of how art developed in the 50s. It marks the change of generations in post-war art and documents the development of abstract and constructive/concrete art in Europe. The Spirale was edited by Marcel Wyss, Dieter Roth, and Eugen Gromringer and appeared from 1953 to 1964.
Spiraleは50年代のグラフィックデザイン、具体芸術を語る上で重要な芸術誌でした。スパイラルをコンセプトにR.P.Lohse, Dieter Roth, Max Bill, Wassily Kandinsky, Piet Mondrianなどといった芸術家たちが作品を提供しています。
理解が難しいKonkret Kunst(Concrete Art)ですが、テーマがあることで読者自身が作品について考えることできる、非常に意義のある図録集です。