Nederlandse postzegels 1987+88

Paperback:228 (116 + 112)
Publisher: Staatsbedrijf der PTT / SDU uitgeverij
Language: Dutch
ISBN-10: 9012059038
ISBN-13: 978-9012059039
Product Dimensions: 25.0 x 18.7 x 1.0 cm
Release Date: 1988
Price: $360 USD
Free Worldwide Shipment from Tokyo
Condition: good (Pre-owned)
The spine of the book has some fading due to age,
there are some faint age spots on the cover and sides of the pages

a set of 2 copies in one set

Book Design: Irma Boom
Author: Paul Hefting

A collection of stamps and stamps from the Dutch national postal company PTT. Irma Boom’s skills can be seen everywhere, such as the uncut binding similar to French binding, with the design down to the very edge, and the rough sketches from the stamp design process showing through.

オランダ国営郵便会社PTTの切手やスタンプをまとめたものです。フランス装のようなアンカット製本で小口ギリギリまでデザインされたり、各切手デザインのプロセスであるラフスケッチなどが裏写りするようなしかけがあり、Irma Boomの実力が随所に確認できます。部数は確認できていませんがアマゾンなどで流通せず非常に貴重な2冊となります。

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