Bruno Monguzzi: Fifty Years of Paper

Paperback: 256 pages
Publisher: Skira
Language: English
ISBN-10: 8857211053
ISBN-13: 978-8857211053
Product Dimensions: 25.7 x 25.1 x 1.3 cm
Release Date: 2011
Price: sold

A major study not only of Monguzzi’s career, but of graphic design history as well. The occasion is provided by Bruno Monguzzi’s fiftieth year of professional work, which he ironically describes as “fifty years of paper”. From his early professional work, first in London and then at the legendary Studio Boggeri in Milan in the early sixties, where Max Huber had arrived from Switzerland twenty years earlier, this monograph retraces the most significant phases of a language that has influenced graphic design well beyond Switzerland, with an impression of great precision and uncontaminated by the recurrent caprices of fashion. Monguzzi grasps us eye with an initial onslaught of beauty, then sense, then the gift of intellectual communication. But the consistency of his working method avoids the pitfalls of personal “style”. Each work stands on its own in intelligence, clarity and grace. He is an amazing artist whose designs emanate poetry.

スイスを代表するグラフィックデザイナーのひとり,ブルーノ・モングッツィは1941年にスイス ティチーノに生まれジュネーブとロンドンでグラフィックデザインを学び61年にミラノのスタジオ・ボッゼリでキャリアをスタート。
パリのオルセー美術館のロゴデザインやスイスにあるルガーノ州立美術館のロゴ,ポスター,図録といった一連のグラフィックワークで知られている。とくに後者の仕事は,1987年の開館から17年という長きにわたり手がけて おり,展示内容の深い理解にもとづくモングッツィの知性と見る者の感情を揺さぶる表現力が存分に発揮されている。

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